Breanfields Easter Hockey Festival 3 of 8
3. Hall of Fame
2015 | | | | | | |
2014 | | | | | | |
2013 | Woodsooners | Luton | The Bees | Avonmouth | Elizabethans | Crusaders |
2012 | Dun Cow Vagrants | North Somerset | The Bees | Maidens | Torpids | Hasbreans |
2011 | Knots | Torpids | Gravesend | Lydney 1 | Knots | Torpids |
2010 | Monkey Magic | Torpids | Gin’ll Fix It | The Bees | Knots | Crusaders |
2009 | Monkey Magic | Crusaders | Wafty Crankers | Gin’ll Fix It | Knots | Crusaders |
2008 | Knots | Barvarians | Frosties | Wafty Crankers | Knots | Torpids |
2007 | Knots | Dwyle Flonkers | Wafty Crankers | Weston Strollers | Knots | Torpids |
2006 | Knots | Torpids | Bakers Dozen | Winscombe | Hasbreans | Crusaders |
2005 | Knots | Torpids | Weston Strollers | The Tops | Crusaders | Torpids |
2004 | Knots | Telford & Shifnal | Lansdown Lollies | The Tops | Torpids | Hasbreans |
2003 | Bebbington | Torpids | Wafty Crankers | The Tops | Torpids | Elizabethans |
2002 | Torpids | Knots | The Tops | Darling Dolphins | Torpids | Hasbreans |
2001 | Phantoms | Elizabethans | Darling Dolphins | Wafty Crankers | Phantoms | Knots |
2000 | Rolls Royce | South Notts | Wafty Crankers | Minehead | Phantoms | Brean |
1999 | Torpids | Phantoms | Weston Witches | The Tops | Phantoms | Knots |
1998 | Torpids | Knots | Piskateers | Marlborough | Phantoms | Brean |
1997 | Phantoms | Elizabethans | Piskateers | B.A.C | Phantoms | Elizabethans |
1996 | Lydney | Knots | Weston Strollers | B.A.C | Will Scarlets | Phantoms |
1995 | Phantoms | Will Scarlets | Lumpy Jumpers | Weston Strollers | Phantoms | Knots |
1994 | Brean | Eagles | Cormorants | Blobbies | Phantoms | Elizabethans |
1993 | Torpids | Lydney | Phantoms | Winnington Park | Phantoms | Knots |
1992 | Torpids | Brean | Phantoms | Weston Strollers | Isca | Phantoms |
1991 | Phantoms | Brean | Weston Strollers | Phantoms | Porcupines | Phantoms |
1990 | Elizabethans | Brean | Bracknell | Phantoms | Knots | Porcupines |
1989 | Eagles | Lusitanians | Phantoms | Bracknell | Clodhoppers | Brean |
1988 | Brean | Knots | Weston | Phantoms | Brean | Phantoms |
1987 | Elizabethans | Phantoms | Chiltern | Weston | Winchester | Torpids |
1986 | Brean | Occidentals | | | | |
1985 | Phantoms | Knots | | | | |
1984 | Druids | Tudors | | | | |
1983 | Phantoms | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1982 | Occidentals | Kobblers | | | | |
1981 | Brean | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1980 | Phantoms | Occidentals | | | | |
1979 | Bowdon | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1978 | Lusitanians | Phantoms | | | | |
1977 | Cygnets | H.D.M. Holland | | | | |
1976 | Phantoms | Hesperians | | | | |
1975 | Lusitanians | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1974 | Cygnets | Phantoms | | | | |
1973 | Lions | Purley | | | | |
1972 | Druids | Phantoms | | | | |
1971 | Tudors | Occidentals | | | | |
1970 | Clodhoppers | Berkshire Boars | | | | |
1969 | Phantoms | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1968 | London Poly | Clodhoppers | | | | |
1967 | Bowdon | Knots | | | | |
1966 | Blueharts | Tudors | | | | |
1965 | Phantoms | Elizabethans | | | | |
1964 | Tudors | Panthers | | | | |
1963 | Phantoms | Old Bristolians | | | | |
1962 | Indian Gymkhana | Torpids | | | | |
1961 | Tudors | Phantoms | | | | |
1960 | Phantoms | Sel. Nat. Francaise | | | | |
1959 | Dragons | Torpids | | | | |
1958 | Bath | Brean | | | | |
1957 | Berkshire Boars | Phantoms | | | | |
1956 | Drones | Phantoms | | | | |
1955 | Knots | Independents | | | | |
1954 | Indian Gymkhana | Independents | | | | |
1953 | Unicorns | Druids | | | | |
1952 | Bath | Druids | | | | |
1951 | Charlatans | Old Elizabethans | | | | |
1950 | Panthers | Bath | | | | |
1949 | London Poly | Bath | | | | |
1948 | Occidentals | Skunks | | | | |
1947 | Druids | Old Grammarians | | | | |
1946 | Dutch A.F.C. | Phantoms | | | | |
1939 | Torpids | Brean | | | | |
1938 | Phantoms | Knots | | | | |
1937 | Druids | Occidentals | | | | |
1936 | Torpids | Brean | | | | |
1935 | Druids | Tramps | | | | |
1934 | Tramps | Druids | | | | |
1933 | Druids | Stags | | | | |
1932 | Sandhoppers | Brean | | | | |
1931 | Occidentals | Brean | | | | |
1930 | Old M.S.C. Club | Occidentals | | | | |